Neo Nanda Tin - Treasurer
Neo joined De Heus Myanmar in June 2019. His ambition was to work for one of the best animal feed companies in Myanmar. Before coming to De Heus Myanmar, Neo was an Agri Business Department Manager at one of the top local banks for 4 years. De Heus is his second job in his career. He is currently working as a Treasurer.

From bank to animal feed company
Before joining De Heus as Finance Marketing Officer, Neo had been employed as a Sales manager in the Agri Financing Team at the bank. “So, I have some background knowledge of the animal feed industry as well as the bank loan application process. This has definitely been useful for onboarding our Feed customers to get short-term bank financing, which they need if they are having problems expanding their farm business or require longer payment terms to ease their cashflow. In this role, I was also given new unfamiliar tasks like controlling Account Receivables (AR) and directly supporting customers for farm investment,” says Neo.
Contact with multiple teams
Neo: “The role of Treasurer also involves controlling AR and supporting bank financing. This means that I help animal feed customers prepare their cash flow forecast, deal with banks for Foreign Exchange to meet payments for Raw Materials’ Imports as well as talk to local/foreign banks for De Heus Myanmars’ trade loan or term loan. As such, I have direct links with the Sales Department, Purchasing Department and our Legal team.
Together with the Sales Department, Neo acts as strictly as possible when it comes to overdue AR. “I also follow up with Sales on the progress of the customer’s overdue AR in the Weekly Credit Meeting. With the Purchasing Department, the payment team under my supervision is responsible for making timely payments to the suppliers. Due to the current situation in our country, the payment team needs to stretch its resources to collect cash from the suppliers and allocate scarce cash to prioritised suppliers. The Legal team also provides legal advice and supports legal agreements to impose obligations on the signatories to agreements,” says Neo.
Great opportunities for junior employees
“I not only enjoy my work at De Heus, I am also learning about a new corporate culture and discovering how our production company operates. The management, especially ours, gives junior members the opportunity to get involved in various projects with colleagues outside the department. My future goal? I want to lead a Finance Team at De Heus Myanmar or abroad. I am hoping to learn a new set of skills such as Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) or do an MBA to further my career. I am really excited when I think about what lies ahead,” says Neo.
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Nicole Rouffaer
Group HR Business Partner